Module Types


  • Kubestack provides modules for clusters, node-pools and services.
  • Modules have common inputs and implement the Kubestack configuration inheritance.
  • All platform components are fully integrated into the Terraform plan/apply lifecycle.


Kubestack provides Terraform modules for the different platform components. There are three types of modules. Cluster modules, node-pool modules and platform service modules.

  1. Cluster modules provision managed Kubernetes clusters and their required infrastructure dependencies using the respective cloud's Terraform provider.

  2. Node-Pool modules provision and attach Node-Pools to clusters provisioned by cluster modules.

  3. Platform service modules provision Kubernetes resources on top of Kubernetes clusters using the Kubestack maintained Kustomization provider. There are two options to deploy platform services:

Ultimately, all Kubestack modules are just Terraform modules that implement standard Kubestack inputs and outputs. This provides a unified developer experience and makes for seamless integration between the different platform components.

The Kubestack specific inheritance based configuration all modules implement is a key enabler for Kubestack's reliable GitOps automation.

Naming Conventions

Module identifiers and file names by convention reflect the cluster that the module provisions. Node-pool or service modules are prefixed with the cluster they belong to.

Cluster modules implement a unified naming scheme to support multi-cluster, multi-region and multi-cloud platform architectures. Names are unique for:

  • one or more clusters
  • in one or more regions
  • on a single or multiple different cloud providers
  • across multiple infrastructure environments

Common Module Attributes

Kubestack Terraform modules accept the following attributes:

source and version (required)

Source and version of the module as required by Terraform.

Cluster and node-pool modules are available from GitHub and include the version using the ?ref parameter in the source. Versions for cluster and node-pool modules are the framework version.

# source for a fictitious cluster module
source = ""
# source for a fictitious node-pool module
source = ""

Platform service modules are available from the Kubestack registry and use source and version. Versions for Kubestack platform service modules consist of the upstream version and a -kbst.x packaging suffix. The packaging suffix counter x is incremented for new module versions that do not change the upstream version. As a result of the -kbst.x packaging suffix version constraint operators like =, !=, >, >=, <, <= and ~> can not be used for platform service module versions.

# source and version for a fictitious service module
source = ""
version = "0.1.0-kbst.0"

configuration (required)

Map of per environment configuration objects. Following Kubestack's inheritance model. The configuration attributes are specific to the module type and for cluster and node-pool modules also specific to the provider. Both platform service module flavors, the catalog and custom manifest modules, support the same configuration attributes.

configuration = {
apps = {
# module specific configuration attributes
ops = {
# inherits from apps

configuration_base_key (optional)

Name of the key in the configuration map all others inherit from. Key must exist in configuration map. Defaults to apps.

configuration_base_key = "apps-prod"
configuration = {
apps-prod = {
# every environment inhertis from apps-prod
# because configuration_base_key is set to apps-prod
apps-stage = {
# inherits from apps-prod
ops = {
# inherits from apps-prod


Kubestack modules are regular Terraform modules and are used the same way. Below examples show general examples how to use cluster, node-pool and service modules.

Cluster Module Examples

The configuration attributes for cluster modules are cloud provider specific. Available attributes are documented as part of the cluster module configuration.


EKS requires the cluster module and a aws provider alias to configure the desired region. The alias attribute is used to pass a specific provider into a specific module.

provider "aws" {
alias = "eks_gc0_eu-west-1"
region = "eu-west-1"
module "eks_gc0_eu-west-1" {
providers = {
aws = aws.eks_gc0_eu-west-1
kubernetes = kubernetes.eks_gc0_eu-west-1
source = ""
configuration = {
apps = {
base_domain = var.base_domain
cluster_availability_zones = "eu-west-1a,eu-west-1b,eu-west-1c"
cluster_desired_capacity = 3
cluster_instance_type = "t3a.xlarge"
cluster_max_size = 9
cluster_min_size = 3
name_prefix = "gc0"
ops = {}

Node-Pool Module Examples

The configuration attributes for node-pool modules are cloud provider specific. Available attributes are documented as part of the node-pool module configuration.

module "eks_gc0_eu-west-1_node_pool_extra" {
providers = {
aws = aws.eks_gc0_eu-west-1
source = ""
cluster_name = module.eks_gc0_eu-west-1.current_metadata["name"]
configuration = {
apps = {
desired_capacity = 3
instance_types = "t3a.xlarge"
max_size = 9
min_size = 3
name = "extra"
ops = {}

Platform Service Module Example

The configuration attributes for platform service modules are the same for all catalog modules and the custom-manifest module. Available attributes are documented as part of the cluster module configuration.

provider "kustomization" {
alias = "eks_gc0_eu-west-1"
kubeconfig_raw = module.eks_gc0_eu-west-1.kubeconfig
module "eks_gc0_eu-west-1_service_nginx" {
providers = {
kustomization = kustomization.eks_gc0_eu-west-1
source = ""
version = "1.3.1-kbst.1"
configuration = {
apps = {}
ops = {}